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At this moment, I know how to cherish myself, so I am happy; I fool myself, so I suffer. I am love!

Excerpted from: hkscchannel  by  Original URL: link

We can't change our destiny. What is "survival"? Even if you reincarnate for thousands of lives, you may not find the answer!
But as long as you return to the original point, you will understand that nothing is true, and only the present love is the only truth in life.

At this moment, I know how to cherish myself, so I am happy; I fool myself, so I suffer. I am love!

The song has a strong "Zen" flavor, and it may take a little more effort to digest it, but I appreciate JER's efforts to tell stories through music and share my true feelings.
As long as there is resonance, he can hear what he says in his heart.

In fact, from last year's trilogy of "Tale of Light" to this year's reborn trilogy, JER has established an image as a "concept singer".

The songs are connected in one vein and lead to each other; I also admire him for insisting on adding a stronger story to the song, making the work more audible, more infectious and more soulful.

To speak from the author's life

Excerpted from: Yang Lesheng Facebook   Original URL: link

Stefan Zweig, the author of "Decisive Moments in History", is an Austrian. This book was published in 1927. It is a collection of historical biographies. Looking at Schweiger’s later experience, we know that SiuHak may be based on the author’s life. 

Six years after Schweiger published this book, in 1933, Hitler came to power and decided to leave Austria and move to London. Hitler invaded Austria in 1938 and the Schweiger nation was destroyed. He later left London and arrived in Brazil in 1940. Two years later, he and his wife committed suicide in Brazil.

He left a suicide note stating that his spiritual homeland, Europe, had fallen, and was saddened by the destruction of his hometown. He could not find himself in a passport and decided to leave with dignity and end this journey of exile.
In fact, as long as Schweiger can wait three more years, he can witness the destruction of totalitarianism, the death of Hitler, and the glory of his hometown.

"Inspired by compassion, lost in confusion   I suddenly realize that happiness and suffering are self-created.”      When you are lost in compassion, you can create happiness by yourself
"A smile   Save it until the bright morning light   How do the stars shine?”  Sometimes you have to learn to wait, and everything will come to your mind.

In the last paragraph of the song, two short melody of "The Firefly of Galaxy" are added, which is exactly the melody that appears after the lyrics "Hold on to see the spectrum in the dark"

Of mutual encouragement  Thanks Jer  Thanks SiuHak

Can literature sing well? Inventory of Cantonese pop songs with literary works

Excerpted from: Word Flower Editing Room   Original URL: link


Jer Lau Yingting recently released the last song of the trilogy "Decisive Moments in History", using the name of the representative work of the Austrian Jewish writer Stefan Zweig (1881-1942), and Jer's first two parts "Castle of Sand" And "The Diary of a Madman" has actually used the name of a literary work. The name gives the first impression and is further convincing. Of course, there are thousands of choices, but there are so many works in the world as the sands of the Ganges. It is better to re-use them when they are new. Whether writing lyrics or writing, sometimes they would rather borrow the name of a work from another art medium. To arouse greater resonance, or to add new ideas, the relationship between the borrower and the borrower actually also gives listeners/readers a lot of fun.


Jer's song has another kind of cynical madness:

See how fictitious the universe is / Spoilers at birth / Raise a dice to give God's hand

I was vain in the world, I just wanted to enjoy myself, and even though I struggled later, I finally found that madness was inevitable:

Greedy to be greedy for new  / Open your mouth when you are hungry/ Double eyes and double ears/ To enjoy the world/ No need to sing, no mantras

"Castle of Sand" is the most famous mystery novel by Matsumoto Kiyaki, but how does the lyrics reason? What SiuHak carefully calculates here is the bondage of the family in this life, turning the murder of the original literary book into a love letter to his mother:

Ten years after the pregnancy  The law of fate can't be deleted at all   Ganges sand number stars   Have not yet bloomed to grow up freely and bear with each other after being self-reliant   Wang's mother suddenly lost her head     His undulating hands lifted up like an hourglass

In fact, in the first sentence of the lyrics, "The wind is rising", there are allusions from the French poet Van Lexi and the Japanese writer Hori Tatsuo. The former wrote in the poem "The Seaside Cemetery" "The wind is rising, only work hard to survive", Hori Tatsuo used this idea to write the touching masterpiece "The Wind Has Risen" (風立ちぬ).

Come to "Decisive Moments in History", from one life to another life, and at the same time see all beings:

How the stars shine     Miles in the blue sky overlooking the world  See how small humans are  Sinking in with him last night   The reason is not yet (...)
Love is wonderful  
  Shining can't hate     Hate still shine

The original work of the famous biographer Stefan Zweig talks about the shining moments in the lives of 14 important historical figures. Together, they are the starry sky where humanity and will illuminate future generations. This song is about each of us, the smallest and most embarrassed, and we can also feel all sentient beings.

Excerpted from: HK01  link
Original URL: link

Ah Jer's new song "Decisive Moments in History" continues to be edited and supervised by Carl Wong of the "Monumental Team", written by SiuHak, and composed by Supper Moment. (IG/ @jeremylaous)

The book "Decisive Moments in History" is a collection of historical biographical essays created by Austrian writer Stefan Zweig. Readers can gather the courage to face their own wonderful moments while looking up at the historical stars. Jer's new song "Decisive Moments in History" premiered on the radio this afternoon. DJ TseSaiKa also explained the meaning of the song. He experienced reincarnation again and again, but he still couldn't get rid of fate and suffering.

After many struggles and searching, I realized that we must first learn to love ourselves: "I have played a madman, been a filial son, and have experienced many reincarnations. I have been familiar with characters taking turns appearing in different roles to touch different emotions. There is pain and happiness. But I can’t break the destiny and get away from suffering and happiness. The roles in each life are set to experience various emotions, and each role is chosen by myself. I cherish myself and be happy. If I fool myself and suffer from suffering, I am actually love. . Seeing the stars in the sky shining on the sky and at the same time shining on the mirror of the heart, at that moment I understand that I am grateful to say "I love you, thank you" to myself."

Carl Wong described the ending part of the song which includes elements of 5 songs in the "Tale of Light" series and reborn trilogy : "Jer communicated with producer Carl Wong, and the lyrics and musical design are also connected with the previous works. The Renaissance series is not just a trilogy. Carl Wongdescribed Outro as not just "Madman's Diary" plus "Castle of Sand", but includes elements from a total of 5 songs in the "Tale of Light" series, with the sixth song "Decisive Moments in History" is the end." Many fans praised the song as a work of art, and they were very moved by saying that it was the most complete conclusion to the series of things and renaissance.

Behind Jer Lau Yingting’s new song is Stefan Zweig’s tragic life

Excerpted from: Feng Suiqian's Thirteen Dimensions  Original URL:  link

MIRROR member Jer Lau Yingting's "Reborn Trilogy" series, this year has launched "Madman's Diary" and "Castle of Sand", the final chapter also came out yesterday. Earlier, Jer’s trailer was a seven-character European literary masterpiece. Creative netizens guessed from "Alice in Wonderland" "A New World of Chinese Language and Literature". Yesterday, the answer was "When the Stars of Mankind Shine".
Many people have never heard of this book. I have read it, but I don't know the Chinese translation of the title. When it comes to "European literary masterpieces", it is as vast as a sea of smoke, and you usually don't think of "When the stars of mankind are shining." Popularity is definitely not its masterpiece. However, in Hong Kong today, looking back at Stefan Zweig's life and his "Decisive Moments in History" is of special significance.

Today I will talk about Stefan Zweig's life. Stefan Zweig is an Austrian writer, born in 1881 in a family of wealthy Jewish merchants in Vienna. When he was young, he was already outstanding in literary talents. When he grows up, he has written works ranging from novels and poems to dramas and biographies, alongside literary criticism and translation. However, the most literary value and the most prestigious novels are those novels whose writing is smooth and gratifying, and the character's psychological portrayal is meticulous. Among them, "A Letter from a Strange Woman" is the most popular-this novella was even more popular in 1948. German director Max Ophüls made the film of the same name.

Stefan Zweig gained fame in the literary world in the 1920s and 1930s, and no one in Europe knew it. The circle of friends was full of dazzling stars, including poet Rilke, psychologist Freud, writer Snitzler, etc.—— By the way, "Traumnovelle" written by Snitzler in 1926 is exactly the prototype novel of Kobrick's posthumous work "Eyes wide shut."

Closer to home, after Hitler came to power in 1933, Stefan Zweig had a foreboding that Vienna could not stay long, and decisively moved to London the following year. Hitler annexed Austria in 1938. Chu Weig knew that the country was ruined and his family was ruined, and he could not go back, so he resolutely joined the British. He then left London and arrived in Brazil via New York in 1940. At that time, the Nazis were rampant. For Chu Weige, it should be the darkest moment for mankind. He saw no possibility of defeating evil. As a result, on February 23, 1942, he made a fatal decision with his wife. —— Both committed suicide by taking poison in the Brazilian residence.

He left a suicide note, first of all thanks to "Brazil, this beautiful country", and then explained the reason for the suicide: "After my world of language has perished for me, and the spiritual home of Europe has also destroyed itself. I learn to love this country more every day, but I find that there is no place to make me willing to start a new life from scratch.”

Stefan Zweig made this sad choice because he felt that the world that nourished his spirit and soul was gone forever. The homeless wandering made him too tired, so he hoped that he could end his life without losing his dignity. Wasn't it the same for Qu Yuan and Wang Guowei in the end? For many people in Hong Kong today, it seems that they are also facing a dilemma similar to Stefan Zweig's back then-that is, the fall of the "language world" and the demise of the "spiritual home".

But learning from Stefan Zweig's lessons in exchange for life, we should actually have hope for the future. Think about it, if Stefan Zweig can live another three years, wouldn't he wait until dawn?

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